8 Longest Names Ever Given To People
What comes to naming children, society and civilization as a whole have come a long way.
While some parents take this opportunity to name their babies after their favorite or most meaningful things – like people, family members, food, or movie characters, among other things, some parents take this as a challenge to test their creativity.
Some parents have also been known to go for length rather than substance. There are some pros to having a multisyllabic name. One of the earliest things each or most kids learn is how to spell and say their names. There have been even some believe that kids with multisyllabic names tend to learn words faster.
Below is a list of the most ridiculously long names given to people.
1. The person to longest names is the late Hubert Blaine. He had a total of 27 names with his third name Wolfe¬schlegel¬stein¬hausen¬berger¬dorff has more than 35 characters. He was a German typesetter. According to Wikipedia, his full name was Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe¬schlegel¬stein¬hausen¬berger¬dorff¬welche¬vor¬altern¬waren¬gewissen¬haft¬schafers-wessen¬schafe¬waren¬wohl¬gepflege¬und¬sorg¬faltig¬keit¬be¬schutzen¬vor¬an¬greifen¬durch¬ihr¬raub¬gierig¬feinde-welche¬vor¬altern¬zwolf¬hundert¬tausend¬jah¬res¬voran¬die¬er¬scheinen¬von¬der¬erste¬erde¬mensch¬der¬raum¬schiff-genacht¬mit¬tung¬stein¬und¬sieben¬iridium¬elek¬trisch¬motors¬ge¬brauch¬licht¬als¬sein¬ur¬sprung¬von¬kraft¬ge¬start-sein¬lange¬fahrt¬hin¬zwischen¬stern¬artig¬raum¬auf¬der¬suchen¬nach¬bar¬schaft¬der¬stern¬welche¬ge¬habt¬be¬wohn¬bar-planeten¬kreise¬drehen¬sich¬und¬wo¬hin¬der¬neue¬rasse¬von¬ver¬stand¬ig¬mensch¬lich¬keit¬konnte¬fort¬pflanzen¬und-sicher¬freuen¬an¬lebens¬lang¬lich¬freude¬und¬ru¬he¬mit¬nicht¬ein¬furcht¬vor¬an¬greifen¬vor¬anderer¬intelligent¬ge-schopfs¬von¬hin¬zwischen¬stern¬art¬ig¬raum. His parents’ name was Elvis Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff
2. Another person to have pushed the limits of names is a woman in Britain who was crazy enough to change her name to Red – Wacky League – Antlez – Broke the Stereo – Neon Tide – Bring Back Honesty – Coalition – Feedback – Hand of Aces – Keep Going Captain – Let’s Pretend – Lost State of Dance – Paper Taxis – Lunar Road – Up! Down! Strange! – All and I – Neon Sheep – Eve Hornby – Faye Bradley – AJ Wilde – Michael Rice – Dion Watts – Matthew Appleyard – John Ashurst – Lauren Swales – Zoe Angus – Jaspreet Singh – Emma Matthews – Nicola Brown – Leanne Pickering – Victoria Davies – Rachel Burnside – Gil Parker – Freya Watson – Alisha Watts – James Pearson – Jacob Sotheran-Darley – Beth Lowery – Jasmine Hewitt – Chloe Gibson – Molly Farquhar – Lewis Murphy – Abbie Coulson – Nick Davies – Harvey Parker – Kyran Williamson – Michael Anderson – Bethany Murray – Sophie Hamilton – Amy Wilkins – Emma Simpson – Liam Wales – Jacob Bartram – Alex Hooks – Rebecca Miller – Caitlin Miller – Sean McCloskey – Dominic Parker – Abbey Sharpe – Elena Larkin – Rebecca Simpson – Nick Dixon – Abbie Farrelly – Liam Grieves – Casey Smith – Liam Downing – Ben Wignall – Elizabeth Hann – Danielle Walker – Lauren Glen – James Johnson – Ben Ervine – Kate Burton – James Hudson – Daniel Mayes – Matthew Kitching – Josh Bennett – Evolution – Dreams according to the Guinness Book of records. Her initial name was Dawn McManus. And contrary to what you might imagine, she did not do it for the attention. She changed her name to honor the benefactors of Red Wine, her children charity.
3. The Brazilian Empire saw it’s a fair share of emperors, but perhaps the craziest was the last who lived between 1825 to 1891. Although generally referred to as Father Peter II, his full name was
Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Hapsburgo Bragança e Bourbon.
4. Britain has had its fair share of tediously long names. Cutting is Anna Bertha Cecilia Diana Emily Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jane Kate Louise Maud Nora Ophelia Prudence Quince Rebecca Sarah Teresa Ulysis Venus Winifred Xenophon Yetty Zeno Pepper. She was interviewed by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! in 1929.
When it comes to character count, however, they are still names that have exceeded most breaths
5. According to USA Today, we have Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele from Huwai. The name has about 36 characters. She inherited the name from her late Indian husband. Ayebaeki-Ipretemondifere-Aghosikigha according to forbares.com is another long name. It belongs to a Nigerian.
6. When it comes to purely English names with long character count, Papageorgakopoulos makes the cut as well.
7. Although the first record of this name is from a character in the Bible, it has been reclaimed by actor Mahershalalhashbaz Gilmore. Due to difficulty in pronunciation and probably tired of everyone getting his name wrong among other things, he now goes by Mahershala Ali.
8. Pablo Picasso’s full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de Los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
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