There are
Adoptable Cats
Across 209 shelters in Arizona
In need of homes
This is a decrease of 14%
from last month
Here's the trend
Nowadays, homes are needed
as never before.
In the past few years, the
number of adoptable cats
has spiked
Adoptable Cats in Arizona
in a town near you
35.93% live in Chandler
26.95% live in Phoenix
17.96% live in No Physical Shelter
Find a Cat in your town,
Right Meow!
Roughly 64.9% of all adoptable Cats
in arizona are female
while only 35.1% are male.
60.59% of all adoptable Cats are
Domestic Short Hair
11.18% are Tabby
8.82% are Domestic Medium Hair
7.06% are Domestic Long Hair
3.53% are Tuxedo
Most popular
male Cat names in
in arizona
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | tommy |
#2 | saffron |
#3 | soul man |
#4 | orion brightwish |
#5 | leo brightwish |
#6 | gallahad nyxson |
#7 | hawk hunk |
#8 | tangerine fulton |
#9 | billy bizu |
#10 | knull venom |
#11 | cooper |
#12 | saber |
#13 | tom servo |
#14 | sam elliott |
#15 | toby tiger |
#16 | benson |
#17 | oreo |
#18 | biggie |
#19 | roadster |
#20 | vance |
#21 | cortana |
#22 | paul |
#23 | bobby |
#24 | rickie |
#25 | monkey |
#26 | bronx |
#27 | cyclone |
#28 | altan |
#29 | frankie |
#30 | crunchy charlie |
#31 | malachai |
#32 | halla |
#33 | bashfulheart bear |
#34 | blade |
#35 | bambam |
#36 | dax |
#37 | steamer |
#38 | doc holiday |
#39 | moose |
#40 | guinness |
#41 | mijo |
#42 | jitters |
#43 | peter |
#44 | nighthawk |
#45 | stripes |
#46 | cadbury chameleon |
#47 | aspen spinel |
#48 | kent washington |
#49 | cecil valentine |
#50 | kitzu kay |
Most popular
female Cat names in
in arizona
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | sasha |
#2 | maxey |
#3 | sammy |
#4 | meow |
#5 | dreamsicle |
#6 | princess |
#7 | fresca |
#8 | abitail |
#9 | prima |
#10 | esabelle |
#11 | maricela |
#12 | qtip |
#13 | clover #3 |
#14 | coco |
#15 | zelda |
#16 | slate |
#17 | yolanda |
#18 | brindi |
#19 | gigi |
#20 | zoey |
#21 | twilight twinkle |
#22 | twixxie |
#23 | dolly |
#24 | anna |
#25 | pebbles |
#26 | bailey |
#27 | inky |
#28 | stevie budd |
#29 | mimic |
#30 | mercedes |
#31 | liah |
#32 | marmalade |
#33 | alexis |
#34 | mary jane |
#35 | margot |
#36 | little miss |
#37 | rhonda |
#38 | heidi |
#39 | flora |
#40 | hope |
#41 | luna |
#42 | mimi |
#43 | florentine |
#44 | cholula |
#45 | cinnamon |
#46 | little bit |
#47 | sabrina |
#48 | nikki |
#49 | zeedoe |
#50 | ragu |
#51 | tink |
#52 | savanah |
#53 | connemara |
#54 | lydia |
#55 | champagne |
#56 | josie |
#57 | creamsicle |
#58 | bitsy trapper |
#59 | carla pixar |
#60 | pixie dust |
#61 | coral shard |
#62 | penny stocks |
#63 | kai sa |
#64 | lady bird |
#65 | sharpie lang |
#66 | duchess diana |
#67 | james bond |
#68 | isa belle |
#69 | chiffin kitten |
#70 | walleye lovebug |
#71 | london |
#72 | ms. sassypants |
#73 | bella |
#74 | celebrity |
#75 | cruella |
#76 | monroe |
#77 | lilly |
#78 | taffy |
#79 | daisy |
#80 | ocatia |
#81 | mellow |
#82 | pibb |
#83 | meadow |
#84 | peacock |
#85 | hanna |
#86 | vivian |
#87 | jasmine |
#88 | shasta |
#89 | kimmi |
#90 | sunshine |
#91 | tia |
#92 | mae |
Nine lives is not enough.
Phoenix, Arizona
Female Cat, Domestic Medium Hair
Domestic Medium Hair (Medium Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Phoenix, Arizona
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Nine lives is not enough.
Phoenix, Arizona
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Medium Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Phoenix, Arizona
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Medium Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Phoenix, Arizona
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Phoenix, Arizona
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Medium Coat)