The status of Clementine was
last posted on 09/04/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Clementine - here's
what they've published:

PO Box 1093 Alameda, CA
(510) 869-2584

Nine lives is not enough.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 09/04/24

Female Cat, Tabby

Tabby / Mixed (Short Coat)


Clementine is a very sweet girl who likes to follow her brother Bobby's lead when it comes to facing new experiences. She enjoys sitting patiently by your side waiting for you to pet her. She loves lying across the window sill watching the world move around her. Clementine will do well in a more quiet home with gentle children over age 10. She needs a cat in her life and home. Her brother Bobby would be a good pal or sister, Sylvie . Her estimated date of birth is April 2, 2024. Kitty Bio #10977CM-Cl. If you're interested in adopting this or another of our cats, please fill out our adoption questionnaire at

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