There are
Adoptable Cats
Across 224 shelters in Georgia
In need of homes
This is a decrease of 17%
from last month
Here's the trend
Nowadays, homes are needed
as never before.
In the past few years, the
number of adoptable cats
has spiked
Adoptable Cats in Georgia
in a town near you
18.02% live in Locust Grove
15.32% live in Carrollton
9.91% live in Social Circle
Find a Cat in your town,
Right Meow!
Roughly 52.2% of all adoptable Cats
in georgia are female
whereas only 47.8% are male.
50.89% of all adoptable Cats are
Domestic Short Hair
16.96% are Tabby
5.36% are Domestic Medium Hair
4.46% are Domestic Long Hair
3.57% are Tortoiseshell
Most popular
male Cat names in
in georgia
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | quentin |
#2 | squirrell |
#3 | cole |
#4 | aspen |
#5 | medici |
#6 | isaac |
#7 | niles |
#8 | james |
#9 | squishy |
#10 | apollo |
#11 | markos |
#12 | kona |
#13 | dawson |
#14 | banshee |
#15 | tom |
#16 | gray kitty |
#17 | boudin |
#18 | tuesday |
#19 | jt |
#20 | indee |
#21 | bud |
#22 | sparky |
#23 | big mac |
#24 | murphy |
#25 | tate |
#26 | ricky ricardo |
#27 | moose |
#28 | cash |
#29 | purrogi |
#30 | bee |
#31 | dinger |
#32 | laslo |
#33 | zeus |
#34 | thor |
#35 | fabio |
#36 | chip |
#37 | oaken |
#38 | dean |
#39 | yogi |
#40 | sammy |
#41 | mouser |
#42 | buster |
#43 | luca |
#44 | ozzie |
#45 | stan |
#46 | gage |
Most popular
female Cat names in
in georgia
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | lily |
#2 | larissa |
#3 | queen fifi |
#4 | esmerelda |
#5 | snickers |
#6 | dixie |
#7 | annie |
#8 | cashew |
#9 | laura |
#10 | sienna |
#11 | reba |
#12 | gretchen |
#13 | darla |
#14 | luna |
#15 | ziva |
#16 | laney |
#17 | clover |
#18 | katrine |
#19 | olivia |
#20 | kiri |
#21 | kitty |
#22 | rona |
#23 | lucy |
#24 | salma |
#25 | fanny may |
#26 | alexa |
#27 | dovey |
#28 | lucille ball |
#29 | sasha |
#30 | ellie |
#31 | mika |
#32 | cora |
#33 | claire |
#34 | opal |
#35 | ladybug |
#36 | sharna |
#37 | sara |
#38 | foxy |
#39 | lexi |
#40 | kookie |
#41 | sarah |
#42 | tabitha |
#43 | fiona |
#44 | hazel mae |
#45 | kiona |
#46 | chewi |
#47 | lolly |
#48 | emma |
#49 | ashley |
#50 | carrie |
#51 | lovey |
Nine lives is not enough.
Acworth, Georgia
Male Cat, Maine Coon
Maine Coon / Tabby / Mixed (Long Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Acworth, Georgia
Female Cat, Tortoiseshell
Tortoiseshell / Russian Blue (Short Coat)
Nine lives is not enough.
Acworth, Georgia
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (Short Coat)
Keep calm and purr on.
Acworth, Georgia
Male Cat, Tabby
Tabby (Short Coat)
Did someone say catnip?!
Ellijay, Georgia
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair / Mixed
Nine lives is not enough.
Powder Springs, Georgia
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)