The status of Buddy (Affectionate and Laidback) - $70 was
last posted on 11/25/24 by
Nine lives is not enough.
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Meet Buddy! Buddy is a short-haired tabby w/ white. He is about 3 years old. He was adopted and recently returned due to no fault of his own. He’s a big boy who is adjusting to being back in the shelter. He’s a sweet guy who seems to be a little shy when you first meet him. He loves to give everybody the biggest head bumps. He is very cat-friendly. We were told he’s bonded to Missy and his previous adopter recommends they be adopted together. You don’t see them together much in the room but it’s hard to say how they would do in a home setting. He’s got a laid-back personality once he adjusts to his environment. It seems like he could be quite needy in a home environment and could become quite cuddly. He is dog and kid-friendly (per his previous adopter) but we are unsure of the ages he does well with. Please bring in your kids before adoption to make sure he does well with them. He’s ready to find his perfect home. Please stop in and meet him today! Adoption prices: Kittens 0-4 months - $80 5 months -7 Yrs. - $70 8 Yrs. Plus - $25 For the safety of the cat, please bring a carrier. A cardboard carrier is available for a $5.00 donation. Please stop in or call us today Pet Adoption League 1526 N. Washington Avenue Emmett, ID 83617 208-365-1359 Hours: Monday 10 am - 2 pm Tuesday 10 am - 2pm Wednesday 12 pm - 5 pm Thursday 10 am - 2pm Friday 10 am - 2 pm Saturday 11 am - 3 pm