The status of Shirley was
last posted on 01/21/25 by
Did someone say catnip?!

Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
wants to love and be loved!Shirley was found outdoors with her sister, Laverne. These kittens were alone and just barely scraping by on what they could find. That was a difficult life for them, and it would have resulted in a lot more short, unhappy lives as they began to reproduce. We are happy that we were able to intervene for Laverne and Shirley and get them spayed and vaccinated. They picked up a little kitty cold that we wanted to treat before sending them back, and as we held them for that treatment, we learned that these kittens could come around to humans. It is hard for these babies who have experienced frightening things in their lives, so Shirley can be cautious at first, but she warms up with gentle attention and soft voices. These cats can thrive in a home--they just need someone to love them and show them that it is okay and they will be forever safe. Could you be that person? Thank you for your interest in a CATsNAP cat or kitten! If you would like to meet a cat, please complete the online application located on our website We do not have a walk-in facility; most of our cats are in foster homes. For this reason, we require an approved application on file before we set up a meet and greet. Completing an online application does not obligate you to adopt! We care deeply about our cats and want the best match for all involved. All CATsNAP cats and kittens are: Vaccination against Panleukopenia (Distemper), Rhinotracheitis, and Calicivirus Vaccination against Rabies (if animal is over 4 months of age) Testing for Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Initial de-worming, flea, and ear mite treatment Sterilization of the animal prior to adoption; no exceptions Micro-chipping as mandated by state law