There are
Adoptable Cats
Across 62 shelters in Iowa
In need of homes
This is a decrease of 15%
from last month
Here's the trend
Nowadays, homes are needed
as never before.
In the past few years, the
number of adoptable cats
has spiked
Adoptable Cats in Iowa
in a town near you
29.8% live in Estherville
25.83% live in Cedar Rapids
12.58% live in Ames
Find a Cat in your town,
Right Meow!
Roughly 56.1% of all adoptable Cats
in iowa are female
while at least 43.9% are male.
82.43% of all adoptable Cats are
Domestic Short Hair
6.08% are Domestic Long Hair
5.41% are Domestic Medium Hair
2.03% are Tabby
1.35% are Siamese
Most popular
male Cat names in
in iowa
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | cassian |
#2 | panther |
#3 | tennessee |
#4 | soot |
#5 | dandy |
#6 | whippy |
#7 | tigg |
#8 | marquis |
#9 | pip |
#10 | brindle |
#11 | william |
#12 | hawk |
#13 | brit |
#14 | hardee |
#15 | braizin |
#16 | ribsy |
#17 | goomba |
#18 | whiskey |
#19 | jinx |
#20 | lemm |
#21 | kip |
#22 | theo j |
#23 | marcello |
#24 | ozric |
#25 | rooster |
#26 | delite |
#27 | gravy |
#28 | mark |
#29 | buddy |
#30 | winston |
#31 | wilson |
#32 | jasper |
#33 | ruckus |
#34 | noodle |
#35 | baby |
#36 | jazzy |
#37 | louis vittion |
#38 | atlas |
#39 | bean |
#40 | burt |
#41 | thin mint |
#42 | griz |
#43 | matey |
#44 | ned |
#45 | boogie |
#46 | bongo |
#47 | perry |
#48 | jerry |
#49 | felon |
#50 | ryker |
#51 | connie |
#52 | conrad |
#53 | clancy |
#54 | doug |
#55 | mufasa |
#56 | petsmart |
#57 | chia |
#58 | laekyn |
#59 | frank |
#60 | watson ic |
Most popular
female Cat names in
in iowa
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | victoria |
#2 | jessa |
#3 | heart |
#4 | sandra |
#5 | sabrina |
#6 | avalon |
#7 | sparkle |
#8 | tori |
#9 | naiah |
#10 | graymalkin |
#11 | janie |
#12 | little kitty |
#13 | charisma |
#14 | garnett |
#15 | snot |
#16 | radio |
#17 | caramel |
#18 | shawna |
#19 | meredith grey |
#20 | vivianne |
#21 | scorch |
#22 | momma ivy |
#23 | lint |
#24 | mari |
#25 | sunny girl |
#26 | vapor |
#27 | kali |
#28 | nara |
#29 | cribbage |
#30 | irma |
#31 | mila |
#32 | dream sickle |
#33 | sonador |
#34 | mama june |
#35 | sunnie |
#36 | lethe |
#37 | glinda |
#38 | linda |
#39 | carolina |
#40 | bianca |
#41 | purrdita |
#42 | charlotte |
#43 | macaw |
#44 | lubber |
#45 | latte |
#46 | funky bunch |
#47 | wynona |
#48 | tora |
#49 | cordelia |
#50 | vera |
#51 | joan |
#52 | chimera |
#53 | izzy |
#54 | butters |
#55 | c.j. df |
#56 | audrey |
#57 | ellen |
#58 | leah |
#59 | morgan |
#60 | brandy |
#61 | lizzy |
#62 | dora |
#63 | riley |
#64 | jean |
#65 | coral |
#66 | starr |
#67 | elle |
#68 | mary anne |
#69 | rotini |
#70 | isabel |
#71 | macy |
#72 | liv |
#73 | mocha |
#74 | stevie |
#75 | lottie |
#76 | gertrude |
Nine lives is not enough.
Estherville, Iowa
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (Short Coat)
Nine lives is not enough.
Estherville, Iowa
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Keep calm and purr on.
Estherville, Iowa
Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair
Keep calm and purr on.
Estherville, Iowa
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Nine lives is not enough.
Estherville, Iowa
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Nine lives is not enough.
Estherville, Iowa
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)