The status of Tori was
last posted on 05/01/24 by
Did someone say catnip?!

Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
***The first step in the adoption process is to complete the application at*** For all you cat people out there, this lil gal is a Carolina Reaper level spicy! LOL! Tori was pulled as a kitten from a cat colony as she was too small for TNR but never really mellowed out. Our thoughts were to hold her until she was big enough to undergo surgery and then let her join the rest of her family. However, this little sassy pants is FeLV positive so she joined our crew here instead of returning to the out of doors. She made fast friends with the other FeLV positive kitties and she is really bonded to Greymalkin for sure. Tori is a talkative girl who likely will never be very big but her attitude makes up for what she lacks in size for sure! While she is not aggressive with us by any means she certainly has her boundaries and we know better than to try to cross them. She luckily is very food motivated and will politely hop back in her enclosure once offered up a treat. In fact, if we think we are going to coax her back in with out her daily awaited snack she tells us in no uncertain terms that it is a no-go and we better find some treats or she's holding out on a stand-off until the treats arrive! All kidding aside this cute tortie isn't for everyone and you would certainly have to be quite cat savvy to welcome her into your home. We would absolutely have to have a friend of hers go with (preferably Greymalkin) because she will need someone to cuddle with (because its not going to be you!) and also talk smack with most certainly about you! Tori is spayed, up to date on vaccinations, microchipped and FeLV positive. As always our fee for cats/kittens is free will to approved applicants and in Tori's case we can add her as a bonus kitty with one of her buddies!!!