The status of Zelda was
last posted on 01/15/25 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Zelda - here's
what they've published:

1703 7th Ave South Estherville, IA
(712) 209-1288

Keep calm and purr on.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 01/15/25

Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair

Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (Short Coat)


If we were giving awards out for the saddest kitten face, baby Zelda would have won paws down! This tiny girl arrived as a miserable curl of fur. She constantly looked like she was on the verge of bursting into a fountain of cartoon-style tears. Part of this was undoubtedly that she was genuinely unhappy, but she was also tiny for her age with sunken features and wet eyes. She didn’t want to eat or play. We gave her a heating pad, and the next day she started eating wet food. She had bad diarrhea, so we mixed a bit of canned pumpkin into the wet food and she must have really liked the pumpkin because she ate and ate and ate! It took a long time to get her started on dry food, but she started putting on weight and now she mostly looks pouty. When Zelda moved to a community room with other kittens, she hadn’t had playmates for a long time, if ever, so she had a bit of a learning curve. As it turns out, Zelda actually really likes having companions (especially Banoffee). Zelda has matured into a gentle young cat who likes to cuddle with the kittens who are still her size. She will probably never grow to be very big. Zelda is probably fine with that, however, because it means she can easily enjoy sitting on a human’s shoulder or knee. Which is something she will happily do for quite some time. This playful and affectionate itty bitty kitty has come a long way from the sad kitten who refused to eat. Zelda was born end of May 2024. If she is not spayed by the time she is adopted, she will be on a spay/neuter contract. Zelda is microchipped, and up-to-date on vaccinations. As always, cat/kitten adoptions are free will donation to approved applicants. ****The first step in the adoption process is to complete the application at****

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