The status of *SUMMER was
last posted on 01/23/25 by
Did someone say catnip?!

Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Medium Coat)
Summer is a loving and fun cat who likes pets and scratches but will take time, patience and love to adjust to a new home. Summer was very scared when she came to her foster home (reclusive and hissed but no aggression) but warmed up in about four weeks after graduated sessions with a wand toy and treats. She started in her own room and began to explore the house once she warmed up. She LOVES treats and probably would have warmed up if the treats came out sooner. She gets along well with the resident cats in her foster home, event sharing a cat bed and grooming each other a bit - though if course they all took some time to adjust to each other (absolutely no aggression on her part). She has the sweetest meow - you will hear it if she is hungry or wants to play chase - and meows to her toys at times. She enjoys lounging on a cat tower or the windowsill and in her cat bed. She is curious and likes to explore her surroundings once she is warmed up.â¢Habits (good or bad): She can jump on the counter but will jump off if corrected. She is good with the scratch post and litter box, but sometimes scratches an anti-fatigue mat in the kitchen - like every cat who has entered this house, even the little foster kittens. When the food comes out she wants it first and will go to other cats' dishes if they are fed first, but goes to her dish with gentle redirection. â¢Handling (Like to be pet a lot/ picked up?) Loves head scratches (top and sides), ear rubs and pets on her back once she warms up. (Initially I pet her with the long handle of my homemade wand toy and she would rub her cheeks in it to ask for more.) She will approach for attention when she wants some, or if you are giving some love to another cat. If you hold your hand above her head she will stand for head rubs. She will also stand for head rubs if you're in a chair or couch and she's on the floor and wants some attention Does not love to be picked up but tolerates more if she is getting head or ear rubs. â¢Do they like toys? If so, what kind? Summer is very playful. She enjoys chasing balls (soft or rigid), toy mice and random things like crumpled paper you toss on the floor or a loose string light bulb. She loves playing treat chase with the resident cats but has not learned and tricks yet.Summer is currently on vacation in a foster home! To enquire about adopting her, please email [email protected].