The status of Puma was
last posted on 01/05/25 by
Keep calm and purr on.

Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
This playful a nd curious guy loves nothing more than being in the center of activity . R escued as a kitten , he showed his quiet confidence early on as he was the first of his siblings to explore new spaces – and meet new cat faces – in his foster home. He’s tentative at first, but doesn’t hide for too long as he’s a brave guy and is always looking for his next adventure. If he’s not chasing the broom as you ’re sweeping the floor or batting cat toys around the house, he’ll be fast asleep on the pile of laundry that still needs to be folded. There’s a stately elegance about this beautiful boy. He’s always watching the room and loves vertical spaces (watch out counter tops) . He also likes to be held, though not for too long. With the right person and solid bonding time, he’ll very likely grow into a loyal and confident cuddle cat. He’s extremely cautious around dogs but could adjust to the right dog – a quiet and gentle one. Puma’s nearly 10 months old now and is being fostered with many cats and his brother, Panda (also up for adoption), with whom he ’ s especially close. Th ough Puma would be fine as a single cat, Panda and Puma would make a nice adoptive pair for someone who’s looking to add double the love to their family. Yes Cats Selective Dogs