The status of Sunny Permanent Foster was
last posted on 07/07/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Sunny Permanent Foster - here's
what they've published:

369 Montezuma Ave. 320 Santa Fe, NM
(505) 316-2281

Keep calm and purr on.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Sunny Permanent Foster
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 07/07/24

Male Cat, Domestic Medium Hair

Domestic Medium Hair / Mixed (Medium Coat)


I NEED A GODPURRENT!This CAT is a member of our Permanent Foster program, and is happily living in a foster home willing to care for her. If you would like to help with the cost of care for cats in this program, please consider becoming a "godpurrent." For as little as $25 per month, you can help provide veterinary care and food for a special needs cat. Donations can be made by regular mail or online using Paypal. For more information, please send an e-mail to [email protected] HISTORY: SUNNY was apparently dumped in his rescuer's yard in southern New Mexico several years ago and was quite shy of humans at first. With time and love, he has turned into a wonderful, social cat who gets along with other cats and cat-friendly dogs. TEMPERAMENT: SUNNY is very affectionate once he gets to know you and loves to have his belly rubbed. He has a wonderful personality and loves to sit in your lap. He had a complete dental in August 2019. AGE: born approx. 8/30/10 MICROCHIP #: 981020027608860 DATE OF STERILIZATION: unknown VAX RECORD: FVRCP expires: 1/30/20; Rabies expires: 9/12/20 FELV/FIV test: 1/16/19; neg Santa Fe Animal Svcs. Permit #21-005

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