The status of ZIG CORNELIUS was
last posted on 02/12/25 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting ZIG CORNELIUS - here's
what they've published:

8315 Byrum Drive Charlotte, NC
(704) 336-6698

Did someone say catnip?!

picture of the cat needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 02/12/25

Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair

Domestic Short Hair (Medium Coat)


Please contact foster at [email protected] Updates: 11 February 2025Likes: Cardboard/scratching postsFresh waterLong, flowy toysExploringClimbingDaytime playDislikes:Loud noises/carsHousehold appliancesInteraction after trainingBeing separated from littermate ZagBeing caged while littermate Zag is uncagedWhile in foster care, Zig:Lived with other pets (dog/cat/fish)-Plays well alone and with littermate Zag-Will eat littermate’s food if left out-Not interested in fish just yet-Does not scratch at other petsLived with child(ren)-Plays well when children have toys-Will cuddle, but not excessivelyReceived training and correction-Will eat on schedule-Litter-box trained-Learned off-limits boundaries-Verbal correction + water bottle correction-Will sleep in bed-Name training with commandsExplored various methods of play/exercise-Likes mobile and noisy toys-Utilizes scratching toys/structures-Scheduled playtime to minimize nocturnal play-Exposed to sunlight dailyTemperamentZig is a social butterfly as long as toys are involved. Will allow people to pick him up and hold for a brief moment, but prefers distanced interaction. Zig enjoys mobile and flowing toys. He helium balloons and dangling objects. Plays nice with other animals and with littermate Zag while alone. Enjoys using a scratching post, but will scratch furniture if unsupervised. Will get into food supply if located and left unsupervised. Zig roams freely and conflict free. He does carry and cuddle well and rubs on humans for affection.

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