The status of James was
last posted on 09/14/24 by
Keep calm and purr on.

Male Cat, Tabby
Tabby / Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (Short Coat)
James is a handsome DSH orange tabby male born approximately 3/13/2021. James was originally rescued by NBCR along with his mother and his 6 other siblings. He and his brother, Jacob, were then adopted into a loving home. Sadly, through no fault of their own, they were returned to us about a year later. They have since been in a long-term foster home where they are much loved and cared for. They would still love to have a truly forever home to call their own. James and Jacob are quite bonded. James is timid and super shy except with humans he feels comfortable with. He sleeps with his foster, but still can be startled if she moves too fast. He would do best adopted with his brother as they seem to find comfort having each other's presence. They both like people and attention, but they do still get scared easily. James isn't quite as brave as Jacob, so he isn't quite as comfortable out and about through the whole house. If it gets too much, he will go upstairs until things calm down. Really, James' needs are simple: a calm person and place to go to when scared, someone to sleep with at night, and canned food every day. That's his happy thing! They would probably do okay with kids who are calm and give them time to adjust. James is microchipped and currently in a foster home. His adoption fee is $105.