The status of Salt & Pepper was
last posted on 08/06/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Salt & Pepper - here's
what they've published:

Salt Lake City, UT
(801) 328-4731

Nine lives is not enough.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Salt & Pepper
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 08/06/24

Male Cat, Domestic Medium Hair

Domestic Medium Hair / Mixed


My name is Salt and Pepper (black and white), but I go by Pepper. I am really good with other cats. I am a protector, and I watch out for the younger fosters. I hero worship the big cat in my foster home, and I try to imitate him any chance I get. My sister, Baby Girl is vision impaired and I am her protector, so we must be adopted together. If a cat tries to mess with Baby Girl, I will put myself in between her and the other cat. I also do not allow anyone to pet her until I decide if the person is ok. I love treat hunting, neck scratches, the feather fishing pole, high places, and cat caves. If you are interested in adopting a CAWS pet, please fill out an online application at

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