The status of *Peta was
last posted on 12/06/24 by
Did someone say catnip?!

Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)
Peta is a very sweet boy who adores affection. He warms up quickly and LOVES to be petted and loved. He seems to get along well with other cats. If you have love to give he is the perfect cat for you. Won't you be his special someone? Peta has FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus), which means he has a weakened immune system. FIV is technically contagious to other cats but is only transmitted through deep bite wounds, so as long as cats aren't fighting, there is no risk of transmission. FIV+ cats can live normal, healthy lives. Read more about FIV here: CVRR is listing this cat as a *COURTESY* to the actual owner. This cat is not currently in the care of CVRR, so CVRR makes no representations or guarantees for the animals behavior, demeanor or health assessment. All information listed has been given by the current cats owner, and should be verified by any interested potential adopter.