The status of Laurel was
last posted on 02/20/24 by
Keep calm and purr on.
Female Cat, Domestic Short Hair
Domestic Short Hair / Mixed (Short Coat)
Laurel was surrendered to the shelter on September 25, 2023 with 4 other siblings. Laurel was spayed on January 22, 2024 at 6 months old and is ready for adoption. She weighs 6.2 pounds. Laurel is very playful and gets along with all the other animals. She's available with an approved application for $50.00. If interested in adopting a pet from our shelter, please click on one of the following links which will take you to our adoption application. The shelter staff is busy and not often able to answer phone calls so please email us at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you for your interest! (If you send an email or application our promise is to respond within 24 hours but most of the time it's a much shorter wait. If you don't hear from us, please check your SPAM folder because I promise we have responded.) Dog Adoption Application If link doesn't work then copy and paste this into your browser Cat Adoption Application If link doesn't work then copy and paste this into your browser.