Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Noelle D6683

Fremont, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog / Labrador Retriever / Mixed

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Linus D5183

Fremont, California

Male Dog, French Bulldog

French Bulldog / Cattle Dog / Mixed

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Mellie (GA)

Fremont, California

Female Dog, Pit Bull Terrier

Pit Bull Terrier

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Gibby (GA)

Fremont, California

Male Dog, Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Max D6732 (Milo)

Fremont, California

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Neena D7481 (was Tootsie

Fremont, California

Female Dog, Husky


Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Nova D7455

Fremont, California

Female Dog, Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Robin D5205 (Gnoki)

Fremont, California

Male Dog, Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute / Mixed

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Lyle D5145

Fremont, California

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog / Australian Kelpie / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Ranger D7500

Fremont, California

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Luna D5199

Fremont, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

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