The status of Clover D5167 was
last posted on 12/19/24 by
Keep calm and woof on.
Male Dog, Whippet
Whippet / Terrier / Mixed
Honey litter. Honey and her 6 nursing puppies 3 males & 3 females were rescued from a distant shelter on 9/3/24. All super adorable. Mom was protective and nervous at the shelter. Once in our hero foster home she is a sweetie affectionate and friendly. Allows handling of her puppies. Honey is a great mom. Puppies are all friendly playful. Various weights. They are super healthy love eating playing being petted and following person around. We are not sure of their breed mix. Mom looks like a Terrier/Whippet mix 25 lbs. Meet their mom Honey! 10/8/24 Update from foster home: Clover is active playful puppy. Loves playing with another dog at home. Need home with attached backyard and someone WFH (home every 2 hours see puppy training needs on this page) for puppy care and house-training. 12/18/24: Foster home says he is curious of cats but good with hers and house-trained. 11/3/24 Update from foster home: Clover is a very active puppy. He loves people our dog Finn and toys. He loves food and is fairly easy to train with treats. He knows “sit” knows “off” but needs to be reminded and is mostly potty trained to go out to yard. No peed pads inside home. He sleeps in his crate over night and doesn’t whine. He loves to cuddle with us. He needs contact with people at home and another dog playmate or doggie day care as he grows up.