The status of Jolly was
last posted on 08/12/24 by
Did someone say dognip?
Male Dog, Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever / Belgian Shepherd Malinois / Mixed (Short Coat)
Jolly is such a fun boy! He loves toys!! He is about one year old and weighs about 30 lbs. He is black with deep chocolate. He is great on leash. Jolly is very obedient with commands. Sit, Stay, Wait. He is great with other dogs, cats and people. He has a high interest in chickens and birds. He is sweet like a Labrador but highly intelligent like the Belgian Shepherd Malinois breed. He loves going on walks, hikes and playing in an open space. He is very alert with people or other animals in the yard. He is affectionate when you ask otherwise very in control of himself. Jolly would be great for a very active person or family. He would be great in agility training! He is loyal to the bone.... we love Jolly and you will too!! Interested in this gorgeous boy? Then please submit an application on our website listed below.