The status of Novak was
last posted on 09/15/24 by
Keep calm and woof on.
Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog
German Shepherd Dog / Terrier / Mixed
Meet Novak, this handsome boy is a 69 lb. German shepherd mix breed who adores everyone he meets. He is ready and eager to meet the family of his dreams and find the perfect home. We know that the family that takes Novak home will have wonderful memories to share with family and friends. At 7 years old, Novak has matured, and values love and the people who are willing to offer it unconditionally to him. We do not know what his past was like, but we do know that he has a bright future. He stands tall on his three legs and carries on like any other dog with his physical abilities. He expressed a disinterest to the feline persuasion so a home without a cat will be ideal for Novak. However, he does well with other dogs and children and will welcome their company. He walks well on a leash and is house trained. Crate training will need more time to master but Novak will be giving one hundred percent to be a success. He is a napper by nature so he would be content to curl up on the sofa and snooze away. He does not spend all his time catching sleep because he does enjoy going for walks as well. He walks like a dream on the leash and all eyes are sure to be on him. His sweet and endearing personality will seal the deal in making new friends.Are you ready to write a happy ending for this amazing dog with all the love that you can give him? Read on to get the ball rolling.The adoption fee for Novak is $300. That includes the cost of spaying/neutering, up to date vaccinations, foster care, rescue and transportation fees. To get the ball rolling, head over to our Adoption Application and submit your application today. A Dog Star representative will contact you within 24 hours. To speed up the process, contact your vet and give them permission to speak with us.If you do not get a response within 24 hours, check your spam folder.