The status of Bruno was
last posted on 10/28/24 by
Live. Love. Bark.
Male Dog, French Bulldog
French Bulldog
Bruno is a 7 yr old 31 lb male French Bulldog with IVDD. He is good with other dogs, loves people, and is very easy going. He is partially disabled. He can walk but has a wobble. He has received three months of rehab and has made good progress although he’ll never be fully functional. Bruno wears a bellyband because he is incontinent and He does drop stool, but since it’s hard poopy balls, it’s easy peasy to pick up.. Not ideal but he is worth a good life. You see his owners got him the IVDD surgery after a spinal cord injury but never followed up on rehab. They left him in a crate in the garage in his own urine and feces. When he came into rescue his white fur was stained yellow and he smelled of urine. It took many bathes to make him clean. He was extremely thin and now he’s a butterball. $350 Adoption fee includes vaccines, spay/neuter, heartworm test, deworming, and microchip. For more info email [email protected]. If you are interested in adopting please submit an adoption application on our website