There are
Adoptable Dogs
Across 214 shelters in Illinois
In need of homes
This is an increase of 14%
from last month
Here's the trend
Nowadays, homes are needed
as never before.
In the past few years, the
number of adoptable dogs
has spiked
The majority of Dogs
in illinois
are in the other group
Adoptable Dogs in Illinois
in a town near you
32.38% live in Huntley
7.33% live in Lincolnwood
6.44% live in Normal
Find a Dog in your town,
Right Woof!
Roughly 51.2% of all adoptable Dogs
in illinois are male
whereas only 48.8% are female.
11.36% of all adoptable Dogs are
Pit Bull Terrier
8.22% are Labrador Retriever
7.52% are American Staffordshire Terrier
4.55% are Boxer
4.55% are German Shepherd Dog
Most popular
male Dog names in
in illinois
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | sonny |
#2 | cyrus |
#3 | charlie |
#4 | lucas |
#5 | herman |
#6 | harrison |
#7 | sam |
#8 | rolo |
#9 | ollie |
#10 | george |
#11 | ralphie |
#12 | jordan |
#13 | red |
#14 | guiness |
#15 | reeses puppycups |
#16 | dancing raisin |
#17 | radar |
#18 | randal |
#19 | patrick o'neal |
#20 | smokey mcbarkason |
#21 | froggy feets |
#22 | roasted goose |
#23 | yancy |
#24 | red foreman |
#25 | smokey mcsmokesalot |
#26 | poe |
#27 | baroque |
#28 | disco sam |
#29 | pop punk |
#30 | danny phantom |
#31 | panther |
#32 | wilfred |
#33 | blue |
#34 | ranger |
#35 | bruno |
#36 | capone |
#37 | bogie |
#38 | kimbo |
#39 | ralph |
#40 | duke |
#41 | puppy |
#42 | raphael |
#43 | bryce |
#44 | gremlin |
#45 | walnut |
#46 | brody |
#47 | leroy |
#48 | sparrow |
#49 | nimbus |
#50 | smiles |
#51 | ks |
#52 | crew |
#53 | faber |
#54 | rambo |
#55 | floki |
#56 | conner |
#57 | north |
#58 | murphy |
#59 | seth |
#60 | marco |
#61 | mark |
#62 | odin |
#63 | bagel |
#64 | jerry |
#65 | graham |
#66 | dallas |
#67 | romeo |
#68 | dale |
#69 | ozzee |
#70 | bianco |
#71 | mitchell |
#72 | green bean |
#73 | duncan |
#74 | dodger |
#75 | amos |
#76 | waylon |
#77 | jellybean |
#78 | kix |
#79 | lucky charms |
#80 | marley |
#81 | devin |
#82 | casper |
#83 | wesley |
#84 | riggins |
#85 | spot |
#86 | tank |
#87 | vito |
#88 | tipper |
#89 | goose |
#90 | jepetto |
#91 | parker |
#92 | dunn |
#93 | dash |
#94 | timmy |
#95 | carter |
#96 | hayden |
Most popular
female Dog names in
in illinois
in the last month
Rank | Name | #1 | flora |
#2 | bailey |
#3 | thea |
#4 | delilah |
#5 | tina |
#6 | lulu |
#7 | ginger |
#8 | luna |
#9 | sunny |
#10 | ruby |
#11 | coco |
#12 | pumpkin |
#13 | daphne |
#14 | violet |
#15 | mindy |
#16 | penny |
#17 | gia |
#18 | lucky |
#19 | charm |
#20 | ellie may |
#21 | bindi |
#22 | kelly o'brien |
#23 | cinder |
#24 | dorothy |
#25 | jelly bean |
#26 | gerti giggles |
#27 | strawberry milk |
#28 | plum |
#29 | blair |
#30 | mumble |
#31 | vivian |
#32 | counter top |
#33 | boom bap |
#34 | ezmeralda |
#35 | misty |
#36 | scrafa |
#37 | remy |
#38 | demi |
#39 | ellie |
#40 | miss willow |
#41 | dixie |
#42 | trixie |
#43 | sadie |
#44 | doula |
#45 | aura |
#46 | fefe |
#47 | ky |
#48 | myrtle |
#49 | maeve |
#50 | dimples |
#51 | crimson |
#52 | esme |
#53 | star |
#54 | miah |
#55 | freija |
#56 | helga |
#57 | astrid |
#58 | thora |
#59 | flower |
#60 | onyx |
#61 | mila |
#62 | love |
#63 | halo |
#64 | sahiri |
#65 | layla |
#66 | emmi |
#67 | dutch |
#68 | nala |
#69 | ava |
#70 | cantaloupe |
#71 | rosanne |
#72 | wynette |
#73 | pharroh |
#74 | ives |
#75 | trix |
#76 | bonnie |
#77 | dottie |
#78 | roxi |
#79 | ella |
#80 | nirvana |
#81 | xena |
#82 | mocha |
#83 | buffy |
#84 | raven |
#85 | oralia |
#86 | flo |
#87 | zia |
#88 | linz |
#89 | delta |
#90 | nessie |
#91 | piper |
#92 | bay |
#93 | harbor |
#94 | mya |
Did someone say dognip?
Belleville, Illinois
Male Dog, Pit Bull Terrier
Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Medium Coat)
Did someone say dognip?
Belleville, Illinois
Male Dog, Carolina Dog
Carolina Dog (Medium Coat)
Keep calm and woof on.
Belleville, Illinois
Female Dog, Pit Bull Terrier
Pit Bull Terrier (Medium Coat)
Live. Love. Bark.
Belleville, Illinois
Female Dog, Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever / Mixed (Medium Coat)
Live. Love. Bark.
Belleville, Illinois
Male Dog, Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever / Mixed (Medium Coat)
Did someone say dognip?
Belleville, Illinois
Female Dog, Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever / Mixed (Medium Coat)