The status of Patches was
last posted on 11/15/24 by
Did someone say dognip?

Male Dog, Chinese Crested-Powder Puff
Chinese Crested-Powder Puff (Long Coat)
***The first step in the adoption process is to complete the application on our website at*** This special senior fella is Patches. Patches came to us along with other dogs from a situation of neglect. He along with his companions had not received the medical attention they needed and deserved. When Patches arrived, he went straight to a groomer to help make him feel better. A dental was scheduled for soon after and Patches was on his way to feeling like a pup! He has since been in a loving foster home just soaking up the attention. As you can see Patches is blind but he has done a great job navigating through the changes and getting to know his environment. He has foster dogs and cats that he hangs out with and he does fine with them. Young children might not be a good fit because he is a senior and the lack of vision but older kids that can understand and respect his limitations would be fine. Patches loves to snuggle and take big naps. Since Patches is blind and hard of hearing people with mobility or balance issues might not be a good fit since he doesn't know to get out of the way and you have to watch out for him as versus the other way around. Also he cannot navigate stairs well. A couple of steps out to the yard would likely be ok but he isn't going to be good with a flight of stairs so ranch style house or main floor living with a gate to protect him from venturing is best. Patches has had a recent dental, is neutered, up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. His adoption fee is $200.00