The status of *SCOOBY was
last posted on 03/04/25 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting *SCOOBY - here's
what they've published:

8311 D`Arcy Road Forestville, MD
(301) 499-8300

Did someone say dognip?

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 03/04/25

Male Dog, Plott Hound

Plott Hound / Mixed (Short Coat)


Scooby (A549258)Gorgeous young dog looking for a home where he can learn, gobble up treats, spend quality time with his human, and photo bomb all your pictures with his gorgeous smile!Scooby was easy to leash. Scooby was a bit timid coming out of his kennel, but I walked him on his third day at the shelter so he may have been adjusting. The minute Scooby got outside he did this cute little hop as if he were jumping for joy! When we were walking around, Scooby walked quickly with a graceful, prancing gate, but he barely pulled (I was moving slowly). It was the sweet, exuberant half-pull of a dog who just can't wait to go on his morning walkies. Scooby enjoyed all the pets I gave him, but I let him spend most of his time moving around and exploring. He may benefit from regular exercise with his new family, and who knows, he might enjoy jogging with you!Scooby is a young dog, he is very food motivated, and gave the impression that he would be a fast learner in any training classes. Once or twice Scooby jumped up, looking for treats in my pouch, but it was in a very gentle manner. When I put my hand into the treat pouch, Scooby immediately sat down, which indicates he has had some previous training and that he has excellent manners. One time he laid down for a treat. When Scooby saw another dog he seemed curious, so he may be dog friendly. Scooby's picture does not do him justice. He is gorgeous! His tail is large and when he holds it high it has a perfect curve that accentuates his graceful, prancing gate. His coat has a wonderfully subtle brindle coloring.Come and meet Scooby soon!

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