The status of Raphael was
last posted on 11/19/24 by
Live. Love. Bark.
Male Dog, American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)
Cowabunga Dude! Meet Rafael! He was born approximately March, 2024. He came from a litter of 4. They named the puppies in the litter after the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! We welcomed him into our home as our newest foster when he was around 5 weeks old. He was so tiny at 3 pounds that you could put him in your pocket. Boy has that changed! Today he weighs about 30 pounds! He's such a cute little snuggle bug. He loves to play and wrestle with his foster sister Wasp. He does great with our other two resident dogs as well! He's super friendly with everyone he meets. We're still working on the house training though. He will let you know when he needs to go outside to use the bathroom but if you don't stop what you're doing right away and let him out, he'll decide to just do his business wherever he's standing. He sleeps every night in crate with no issues at all. He gets along great with our children ages 8, 12, and 14. They love to sit and give him lots of love and attention. He'll even lay down and take naps with them while they're watch TV or playing video games. Come check out Rafael and maybe you'll hit it off and your home could be his furever home! Adoption fee includes: Full veterinary exam, Alter, Prepaid microchip, Dewormed, Rabies vaccine (if age appropriate), Distemper combo vaccine(s) appropriate to age, Bordetella vaccine, 4DX (over 6 months of age), Flea/tick and heartworm preventative while in rescue. Adoption fee: $550.00