The status of Tyson - FOSTER OR ADOPT ME!!! was
last posted on 10/03/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Tyson - FOSTER OR ADOPT ME!!! - here's
what they've published:

P.O Box 2237 Burnsville, MN

Live. Love. Bark.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 10/03/24

Male Dog, Boxer

Boxer (Short Coat)


Tyson has been adopted and returned due to some resource guarding and high prey drive. Over the past several months while in training Tyson has made great strides in working with his resource guarding and has nearly overcome it. He will need a structured home who will not let him waver from his training and assure a strong transition from training to a new home life.Tyson is also an escape artist and can get out of most kennels/crates - don’t worry though, he has his own fortified crate (no bigger than most standard crates) that he will come with! Outside of his previous resource guarding and known escapestry, he does FANTASTIC with other dogs and kids. While in training Tyson also had leash work done and LOVES long walks or runs through the field. He’s also great in the house and generally likes to lay on his bed (especially in front of a fire)… He’s really a super all-around dog that deserves a great home and his second chance!

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