The majority of Dogs
in Fenton
are in the other group
About 50.0% of all adoptable Dogs
in Fenton are male
while only 50.0% are female.
16.67% are Miniature Pinscher
16.67% are Presa Canario
16.67% are Great Dane
16.67% are Boxer
Here are some shelters
that could use your support
in Fenton, Missouri
Keep calm and woof on.
Fenton, Missouri
Female Dog,
Unknown Breed
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Female Dog, Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Pinscher / Dachshund / Mixed (Medium Coat)
Did someone say dognip?
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog,
Unknown Breed
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog, Presa Canario
Presa Canario
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Female Dog, Red Heeler
Red Heeler / Mixed (Short Coat)
Did someone say dognip?
Fenton, Missouri
Female Dog,
Unknown Breed (Short Coat)
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog,
Unknown Breed (Short Coat)
Keep calm and woof on.
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog,
Unknown Breed (Medium Coat)
Did someone say dognip?
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog, Poodle (Standard)
Poodle (Standard)
Keep calm and woof on.
Fenton, Missouri
Female Dog, Terrier
Terrier / Mixed
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog, Terrier
Terrier / Mixed
Live. Love. Bark.
Fenton, Missouri
Male Dog,
Unknown Breed (Long Coat)