The status of Eddie the Fat Chi TX was
last posted on 09/13/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Eddie the Fat Chi TX - here's
what they've published:

Boonton, NJ
(973) 658-7001

Keep calm and woof on.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Eddie the Fat Chi TX
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 09/13/24

Male Dog, Chihuahua

Chihuahua (Short Coat)


Eddie the Fat Chi has been described by his foster mom as "a little chonky chonk" but he's a great little guy in spite of his size. He is a very chill personality and a lover of dogs. Eddie is about 12 years old and weighs about 9 pounds - he is absolutely adorable! If you're interested in bringing this "potato" into your life, please fill out an adoption application at and ask for EDDIE THE FAT CHI TX!

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