The status of Midge TX was
last posted on 07/20/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Midge TX - here's
what they've published:

Boonton, NJ
(973) 658-7001

Did someone say dognip?

picture of the dog needing adoption

Midge TX
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 07/20/24

Female Dog, Pug

Pug / Mixed (Short Coat)


Midge is the most snaggle-toothed pup we've ever seen! She was rescued from a shelter in Texas a year ago and is still waiting to find her forever home - Midge is about 9 years old and weighs 13 pounds. Midge is a laid-back girl who just wants to follow you around everywhere – she loves the company of her family! She is well behaved in the car and she really loves her daily walks. She is currently living with 2 other dogs and has no problem keeping up with them even though they are half her age! Midge listens well and, being food driven, is easily trained. Midge is housetrained, however, she may need a puppy pad if left alone for 8 hours. When she is left home alone, she has the freedom to roam the place – she does not like being crated and doesn’t need to be. Midge sleeps on her own through the night without incident but would prefer to sleep in the same room as her people. Midge has fistulas (holes) in the roof of her mouth and it is possible for her occasionally to get food stuck in her nose. But Midge usually just sneezes the food out so you don’t have to do anything about it. Only once did a vet find food in her nose when she was being examined on a routine visit. Midge came into rescue with horrible teeth - she had a number of bad teeth removed but she is still the snaggle-toothed girl we love! Midge currently requires a tiny sprinkle of medicinal powder on her food to ensure her pancreas functions properly. Although Midge gets along with dogs, she might bark when she encounters new-to-her dogs on a walk. She sounds like a goat when she barks – it is actually quite cute! If you'd like to meet Midge and provide her with a loving retirement home, please complete an adoption application at and be sure to ask for MIDGE TX!

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