The status of Pinto TX was
last posted on 09/07/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Pinto TX - here's
what they've published:

Boonton, NJ
(973) 658-7001

Live. Love. Bark.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Pinto TX
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 09/07/24

Male Dog, Chihuahua

Chihuahua / Mixed (Short Coat)


Meet Pinto, a sweet Chihuahua mix boy with extra-long legs! He was rescued from a shelter in Texas and now is in a wonderful foster home. At first he was a little shy, but he is more confident now and should blend into most households easily. He lets foster mom and little girls dress him up. Pinto is not a Velcro dog or high maintenance, but attention and petting makes his tail wag. He's an obedient boy who listens to a gentle “no”. Pinto is a perfect dog to blend into your family easily. In the morning Pinto hangs out by front door so he doesn’t miss a walk - he's good on a leash, too! He's good with other dogs - he's even made friends with all the dogs in his foster home (even the grumpy ones!) Pinto is 10 years old and weighs 22 pounds. He is housetrained and is good with kids. He's also fine with the cats he has met. Got a mouse problem? Pinto is on the job - he'll happily "gift" you with his catch, too! And you'll no longer need a fly swatter with Pinto around! He snaps at flies & bugs, even catching some of them - he's handy to have around in the summer! And he's quite entertaining to watch! Pinto will be good in a family or as a single pet. If you're interested in adopting this special senior boy when he arrives in NJ, please submit an adoption application for PINTO TX - be sure to mention his name!

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