The status of Ryder was
last posted on 01/17/25 by
Keep calm and woof on.
Male Dog, Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever / Hound / Mixed
Ryder is approx 4-5 months old and 25 lbs. He is so sweet and so cuddly. He has white on his chest which is just so cute. He is great with other dogs and loves meeting new people. He was part of a litter of puppies that was kept outside and finally the owners decided to ask for help with them. We are glad we were able to get them inside and now on their way to their new homes. Ryder and his siblings are so fun and love to be with people. Their favorite thing to do is play with their toys and play tug of war. See the video whch is inclued with their pictures, If you would like to meet one of the puppies, please fill out an application. Interested in adopting this pet?Click here for BCAA's on-line Application! PLEASE NOTE: Our adoption fee helps to cover our expenses and includes all shots, *age appropriate*, distemper and rabies, fecal check, spay/neuter, heartworm test, grooming, and in many cases dental and also the fee we pay when we rescue from a shelter.