The status of JERSEY was
last posted on 01/18/25 by
Did someone say dognip?
Female Dog, Pomeranian
Jersey is bonded with Virginia and will be adopted as a bonded pair. Jersey was born 5/27/21 and weighs 8 lbs . She is working on house and crate training and does well with other dogs, cats and children. The adoption fee is $ 500.00 for the pair. She is had a dental and still needs to be spayed. This is included with her adoption fee if done at our vet. She is microchipped with lifetime registration, vaccinations (which include DHLPPC, Lyme, Bordetella & Rabies) and heartworm/lyme testing. You can apply on our website:***100% of adoption fees go back to the animals and help provide for medical care for our rescues that need specialized medical care and surgeries.Please remember that we are a board of entirely volunteers that have full time jobs as well as our rescue passion. So, be patient with us and check out our Facebook page for more information and photo updates: at