The status of Codi was
last posted on 07/17/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Codi - here's
what they've published:

PO Box 301 Uwchlan, pa

Live. Love. Bark.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 07/17/24

Male Dog, French Bulldog

French Bulldog (Short Coat)


Ladies! ️ Have you ever been offered a job by your local police department because you chase the same men that they do? Do you see all the red flags and get excited because you thought it was a carnival? ️ Well today is your lucky day… Convict Codi is ready to move in! Codi is a 5 year old French Bulldog surrendered to us for having a sh*tty attitude. You would probably rather get pecked to death by a chicken than attempt to give Codi a manicure. Living with Codi is like living with your best friend or living with satan… there really is no in between. For the most part, Codi doesn’t mind other dogs. He is reported to like cats. He will pick fights with children. Hell, he picks fights with adults. #HideYoKidz We will be sending Codi his adoptive home with jumper cables, since he loves to start sh*t. If you would like to add this toxic little mans to your family (thoughts and prayers to you), apply below! ♥ ADOPTION APP: ᴷᵉ ⁿⁿ ᵉˡ ˡ ⁱ ᶜᵉ ⁿ ˢᵉ : ¹⁶¹⁰⁵ ᴾᴼ ᴮᵒˣ ³⁰¹ ᵁ ʷ ᶜ ʰ ˡᵃ ⁿ ᵈ , ᴾᴬ ¹⁹⁴⁸⁰ owner surrender ᴷᵉ ⁿⁿ ᵉˡ ˡ ⁱ ᶜᵉ ⁿ ˢᵉ : ¹⁶¹⁰⁵ ᴾᴼ ᴮᵒˣ ³⁰¹ ᵁ ʷ ᶜ ʰ ˡᵃ ⁿ ᵈ , ᴾᴬ ¹⁹⁴⁸⁰ ᴷᵉ ⁿⁿ ᵉˡ ˡ ⁱ ᶜᵉ ⁿ ˢᵉ : ¹⁶¹⁰⁵ ᴾᴼ ᴮᵒˣ ³⁰¹ ᵁ ʷ ᶜ ʰ ˡᵃ ⁿ ᵈ , ᴾᴬ ¹⁹⁴⁸⁰

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