The status of Maizey - Urgent Losing Home was
last posted on 09/06/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Maizey - Urgent Losing Home - here's
what they've published:

1122 lady st 3rd floor columbia, sc
(844) 571-8964

Did someone say dognip?

picture of the dog needing adoption

Maizey - Urgent Losing Home
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 09/06/24

Female Dog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)


The dogs Arcadia Animal Rescue saves are mainly located in southern states, such as NC, SC, TN and TX. We can transport to most states, through partner networks. Virtual meet n greets can be arranged for all non-local adopters.—— URGENT! LOSING HOME This poor 3 year-old girl Maizey Mae cannot catch a break. After finding her self timestamped for euthanasia at the shelter, Rescue stepped in in the nick of time and found a forever home for her. *** Unfortunately, the Adopter has fallen on hard times and has found herself homeless and if we can’t find a foster or adopter for this sweet girl may end up back at the kill shelter!! *** She is completely heartbroken, but does not know when or where she will be stable enough to be a pet parent again so she has left with no choice since no family or friends have stepped up to help. Here’s what she mom has to say about Maizey Mae: “She's a complete cuddle bug and hasn't met a stranger. She's about 3.5 yrs old now, but still has the energy of a puppy. She's perfectly healthy, has great teeth. She uses her paws like hands and will draw you in for cuddles and kisses. She's a great car riding buddy and we have been all over the upper Eastern seaboard together! Likes playing in the rain sometimes but is a little unsure about thunder and lightning. She's a little afraid of the dark...needs a nightlight if being left in a dark place. Maizey likes to sleep at my feet under the covers at night. She loves having her belly rubbed, and the ridge right between her eyes...she will sleep in your arms in exchange for belly and head rubs.” And she is great with other dogs, too! ***** Please hurry - if you can open your heart and home to foster Maizey Mae, please TEXT/CALL Aly at 732-604-0625 ASAP as time is of the essence! ***** Thank you for caring about a pet in urgent need! To apply to adopt, click on If the pet you applied for is no longer available, to see all of our available pets. Note: Some pups are in boarding facilities in order to save their lives. This is far from ideal, they really need to be in loving homes. Due to record number owner surrenders this year, we have zero foster homes available. Fostering helps save another pup from euthanasia in an overcrowded kill shelter needing to free up a kennel. If you can foster, go to and fill out a foster application. Thank you!

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