The status of Ari was
last posted on 01/15/25 by
Keep calm and woof on.
Female Dog, Shepherd
Shepherd / Mixed (Short Coat)
Meet Ari! Ari is approx 7 months old, approx 25lbs and was spayed on 12/30/2024. She is a girl with lots of energy and at times likes to let her zoomies out around the house or in the yard. She loves her walks and is learning how to be better on a leash. She is fully potty trained and even goes to the door to let you know when it’s time to go out. Since she is was a few months old she has been a huge fan of her crate “bed” and sleeps all through the night quiet and comfortably, without a potty break, in her kennel. If she does need to go out in the night she politely whines to let you know it’s an emergency. She loves her food and mealtime is her favorite… and has been known to scope out the countertop for a human snack and grab anything in reach. She is still learning to be social with new people or new dogs. She’s very excited to meet dogs so sometimes it can be overwhelming for older, smaller dogs. She is a super chewer so the most durable dog toys are the best treats for Ari. She does get anxious and very protective around visitors, so she is a natural, family guard dog. She will require more in depth training to help socialize. She doesn’t love car rides but she has done well on road trips harnessed and secured in a dog bed. She doesn’t love to be held as she’s not necessarily a lap dog but when it’s her decision, she loves to curl up next to you on the couch for a snuggly nap. She really is a sweet, good girl who loves to be a part of a family unit. She can be a bit mouthy and can rough-house with human playmates, so a family with either no children or older children (6 years old and up) would be best for Ari. To meet Ari, please fill out an application! Application available at . Adoption donation of $350 includes spay/neuter, microchip, 2-3 dewormings, dhpp vaccinations, rabies shot, bordetella nose spray and any other necessary procedures prior to adoption. Dallas Ft Worth AreaApplications can be found online at, under the adopt tab. We require an approved application before a meet and greet is set up.