The status of Chip was
last posted on 01/14/25 by
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Female Dog, Shepherd
Shepherd / Mixed (Short Coat)
Meet Chip! Chip is about 11 weeks old and currently weighs 11lbs. He is a Shepherd mix. He is Crate trained and Will sit for treats. And He Lets you know when he’s got to go outside! Chip is a sweet guy who needs a loving furever family To meet chip please fill out an application! Application available at . Adoption donation of $350 includes spay/neuter, microchip, 2-3 dewormings, dhpp vaccinations, rabies shot, bordetella nose spray and any other necessary procedures prior to adoption. Dallas Ft Worth AreaApplications can be found online at, under the adopt tab. We require an approved application before a meet and greet is set up.