The status of Spirit was
last posted on 12/17/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Spirit - here's
what they've published:

P O Box 63078 Pipe Creek, Tx

Keep calm and woof on.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 12/17/24

Male Dog, Poodle (Toy)

Poodle (Toy)


Spirit is a mature neutered male poodle born in 2013 that has been through hell in his life. He was a loving companion until his momma left him with a relative that apparently abused him. When he got here he would charge and attack anyone he felt was a threat. We got him 07/01/2016. Now he loves getting treats and being groomed. But when he has had enough, he gives a warning growl. He hasn't bit anyone in three years, but he is not suitable for a family with children because he is unpredictable. He wants to be loved on, but gets jealous if another dog comes up for attention. He really needs a home with someone who is patient and kind.

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