The status of DAWSON was
last posted on 08/08/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting DAWSON - here's
what they've published:

1210 Blume Road Rosenberg, TX
(281) 342-1512

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picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 08/08/24

Male Dog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Mixed (Medium Coat)


Dawson is both clever and playful - those two traits combined always make for an interesting time! He's sure to keep you on your toes! Dawson came into the shelter on 7/19/22 with some skin issues. Those issues have since cleared up nicely. Now when you look at him all you'll see is a handsome happy 2YO boy! Dawson is an active boy who loves to run. He has a tendency to trot around like a pony, too. It's adorable! His favorite thing in the world is to have you playfully chase after him. He'll run up to you and grin, then dart away - just to tempt you into chasing after him! He's just wanting to make sure you stay active too! Squeaky toys and treats are two more `likes` of his. Both are great ways to get his attention and make him come to you (without playing keep away). He takes those treats from your hand very gently, despite his playful nature. Dawson's not all jokester, though. He's got a sweet side too. He really enjoys and appreciates being pet. He's a very happy boy who likes to act silly to make you happy too!Dawson es un chico activo al que le encanta correr. También tiene tendencia a trotar como un pony. ¡Es adorable! Lo que más le gusta en el mundo es que lo persigas juguetonamente. Correrá hacia ti y sonreirá, luego se alejará corriendo, ¡solo para tentarte a perseguirlo! ¡Solo quiere asegurarse de que tú también te mantengas activo! Los juguetes chirriantes y las golosinas son otros dos `me gusta` suyos. Ambas son excelentes maneras de llamar su atención y hacer que se acerque a ti (sin jugar a mantenerte alejado). Toma esas golosinas de tu mano con mucha delicadeza, a pesar de su naturaleza juguetona.

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