The status of GIA was
last posted on 08/13/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting GIA - here's
what they've published:

1210 Blume Road Rosenberg, TX
(281) 342-1512

Live. Love. Bark.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 08/13/24

Female Dog, Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever / Mixed (Medium Coat)


Gia doesn't seem to have spent much time around people before and was very scared and nervous when she first came into the shelter. We've been working with her and are slowly showing her that humans are her friends. She's already come so far - we're so proud of her! She's still wary of people and tries to back away from them at first, but if you're gentle and patient and go slowly with her she'll let you pet and touch her now. You can tell she has no idea what to make of the gesture , and she's very nervous about it. Despite her fear she's never shown any signs of aggression. We're also working with her on the leash - she'll let you put it on now, but has no idea what she's supposed to do after that, and she's too nervous to walk on it. She still doesn't feel comfortable taking treats from your hand, but you can bet as soon as you leave her kennel she's eating them. She loves treats! Gia is thriving in her current short term foster home. Her leash skills are improving, and she has started trusting her fosters enough to take treats from their hands. She's living well with other dogs and is slowly gaining confidence!

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