The status of RAULIE was
last posted on 02/22/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting RAULIE - here's
what they've published:

1210 Blume Road Rosenberg, TX
(281) 342-1512

Did someone say dognip?

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 02/22/24

Male Dog, Carolina Dog

Carolina Dog (Medium Coat)


Raulie looks like the kind of dog that would enjoy a good dad joke. He's always smiling and looking like he's laughing at something anyways! He has a great sense of humor and would laugh at your jokes for sure. He's a pretty laidback kind of guy. He doesn't need constant attention, but he does enjoy some company. He especially likes being pet and will return the favor with a kiss or two. Raulie has an average energy level. He doesn't know any tricks yet, but he's very happy to get a treat from you. He's done well around other dogs in shelter playgroups, but he's not much for actually playing. He just prefers to mind his own business and likes to keep it calm and low key. With a handsome boy like this, you wouldn't be able to resist spoiling him…and that's no joke!

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