The status of RUFUS was
last posted on 09/03/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting RUFUS - here's
what they've published:

1210 Blume Road Rosenberg, TX
(281) 342-1512

Keep calm and woof on.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 09/03/24

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog / Mixed (Medium Coat)


Rufus has the best personality. He’s friendly, but independent. This makes him a very low maintenance friend and very easygoing! He’s typically very calm and chill. He’s perfectly content to make his own fun trotting and sniffing around, but he enjoys being pet as well. He’ll happily stand by your side for as long as you’ll pet him. He’s good on a leash and walks without pulling.

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