The status of 2311-1582 King was
last posted on 01/20/25 by
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Male Dog, Pit Bull Terrier
Pit Bull Terrier (Short Coat)
**If you have any questions about King after reading his profile, you can contact a volunteer at 757-237-2430 who can answer your questions.** Field Trip Update: King did great! He was easy to get into my truck, he sat there calmly on the ride, and was easy to get out. He behaved at the drive thru, and politely waited while I shared my chicken with him. He did drink my tea sitting in the cupholder before I could stop him He has such an intense look, but he's really gentle, and its safe to feed him with you're fingers. King is a 2 1/2 year old boy with a beautiful brindle coat. Although he has been nervous in the shelter, outside he is much more willing to meet new people. And once he knows you, he will greet you with a friendly smile and wagging tail. King is loving and loyal to his family. He is good on a leash, a pleasure to walk...until he sees something that interests him which could be another dog, a squirrel, the play yard, etc after which you better be ready because he is all muscle. King should be an only pet and we recommend older children. VBACAC 341 S Birdneck Road, VB Open daily 12-5 pm